Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Everyday Psalms

Is it a thousand?
Ten thousand
Or a hundred thousand????

The Synaptic surges
Flashing through the streams of conscious and unconscious neural pathways
Forming the thoughts, urges, inklings, feelings, and moments of my daily life?

When I think of the input streaming into the optic net alone, it is overwhelming …
The moment by moment life-show that is playing into the receptacle of my brain

Just driving down the street,
The millions of particles of input that challenge every waking moment
Of the flow of life into my being !

A child on a bike
As I drive by
Triggers at least a dozen potentials,
Danger, destruction, discovery, laughter
And the sheer joys of peddling down a sidewalk
Wrapped in the moment of life that is childhood.

The conversations, exchanges, looks,
Flashes of insight into the soul
That comprise the multitude of experiences that we call communication,
Suddenly strike me as amazing and awesome ………

What capacity the creator has put into one human being,
Made in his image …..

An overload of information,
Far more than I can process in one day
0r sometimes in one lifetime
Comes into my being every moment, every hour ….
That, strung together, form the days, weeks, years of my life.

What must it be like to be eternal???
To have had these from before time
Flowing into eternity ………
What kind of a mind, or being, could be so large, so expansive?
The Driving Force of life, movement and the dance that circles the galaxies,
Coursing through the cosmos in a never changing flow of Energy,
Life, and Conscious Being ….???

No wonder the psalmist cries out in desperate revelation ……
How many are Thy thoughts O God!
How numerous beyond my comprehension ……

Saturday, July 01, 2006


May Joy and Peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And Happiness be with you now,
And bless you evermore.